This release includes improvements to the UI, new features for the Domain Details pages and bug fixes.
New Features and UI Enhancements 🎨
- Added filters to the Domain Variations table for better data organization and accessibility.
- Implemented a "No Results" page to handle scenarios where no data is found, enhancing the overall user experience.
- The Domain details section has been redesigned to provide clear information and a better appearance.
- Resolved stacking context issues in the UI.
- Introduced a back button on the Domain details and Dark Web details pages for improved navigation.
Refactoring and Improvements 🛠️
- Refactored code to separate concerns, removed unnecessary whitespace for cleaner codebase, and improve maintainability.
- Optimized conditions and logic for displaying various UI elements and states.
Bug Fixes 🐞
- Addressed a rendering issue in Safari.
- Fixed an issue where the "No Results" state was not pointing to a valid URL.
- Resolved a problem with the clear filter button, ensuring a smoother functionality.
Testing 🧪
- Updated tests to ensure the stability and reliability of the application after the implemented changes.